Slovak CASE 2016

We will discuss the parliamentary elections in Slovakia, with election day on March 5. In my opinion Slovakia the last five years has changed significantly.
Then there were more national, local features, more factors of Slovak identity. Now it is “washed” and “aligned” with European culture.
That was less than the national service, even stores of national souvenirs. And more – European TV show formats, store brands, young people began to integrate into the European space.
Although, I must say that commercial advertising often uses “national quality” in a positive sense.

Speaking on the theme of the parliamentary elections – 2016, in addition to the fight against corruption (!), The slogan “we are the best”, “doing for the people”, the theme of change and a new trend – a factor of protection against threats.
For example, understanding the theme of loss of Slovak identity has become popular topic “Save SLOVAKIA” or “Slovak”, “save the country”.

Also Slovaks feel threatened to create full families in connection with the coming popularity tolerant attitude to sexual minorities.

But this is, in my opinion, the main themes and winning. I think it will benefit those who use the universal slogan of the election in terms of “word and deed”, and most importantly, argue the case.

We will see the results on March 5th …

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